英 [æl'gɔŋkwin]美
- Algonquin
- one of an Indian people living near the Ottawa River in Canada, 1620s, from French Algonquin, perhaps a contraction of Algoumequin, from Micmac algoomeaking "at the place of spearing fish and eels." But Bright suggests Maliseet (Algonquian) elægomogwik "they are our relatives or allies."
Algonquian (1885) was the name taken by ethnologists to describe a large group of North American Indian peoples, including this tribe. Algonquin Hotel (59 W. 44th St., Manhattan) opened 1902 and named by manager Frank Case for the tribe that had lived in that area. A circle of journalists, authors, critics, and wits began meeting there daily in 1919 and continued through the twenties; they called themselves "The Vicious Circle," but to others they became "The Round Table."
- 1. Welcome Algonquin College Chinese Students'Association ( ACCSA )!
- 欢迎来到亚岗昆学院中国学生会!
- 2. This was the beginning of the famous Algonquin Round Table, a renowned intellectual literary circle.
- 一个著名的知识分子文学圈子阿尔冈琴圆桌由此诞生.
- 3. A police report said the missing men were studying at Algonquin and Carleton University.
- 一位警察透露,这两位失踪者分别在卡尔顿大学和亚港昆学院读书.
- 4. Algonquin has the highest crude protein yield, Farmers Treasure and WL - 323 HQ are the second.
- 粗蛋白产量以阿尔冈金最高, 农宝、WL 323HQ 位居其次.