英 ['si:və; 'si-; 'ʃi:-; 'ʃi-]美
- n. 湿婆(印度三大神中司破坏之神);大自在天(司破坏及拯救的神)
- Siva (n.)
- also Shiva, one of the three supreme gods of Hinduism, lord of destruction and reproduction, 1788, from Hindi Shiva, from Sanskrit Sivah, literally "propitious, gracious," from PIE *ki-wo-, from root *kei- "beloved, dear" (connected with Latin civis "citizen," literally "member of a household"), also "to lie, couch" (compare cemetery). But by some this is said to be a euphemism. Related: Sivaism; Sivaistic.
- 1. Figure 12 shows Lord Siva in comparison with Europe according to one text of the Bhagavatam.
- 图片12说明了主Siva身材与欧洲的对比,这是根据《圣典博伽瓦谭》的一个诗节绘制的.
- 2. The three main god figures are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Siva the destroyer.
- 三个主要的神是创造之神梵天 、 守护之神毗湿奴和破坏之神湿婆.
来自英汉非文学 - 文明史
- 3. Siva - Buddha was thus as Indian cloak sheltering a native cult of great antiquity and power.
- 这样,湿婆 —— 佛陀便成为掩蔽着一种非常古老而有势力的当地信仰的印度外衣.
- 4. Siva Himself is standing guard at the nine doorways of my house.
- 湿婆神亲自把守在我的房子的九道门上.
- 5. Siva, Her mighty Husband, who wields the fearful trident.
- 湿婆, 她强而有力的丈夫, 挥舞着可怕的三叉戟.