英 [ə'pɒstrəfɪ]美 [ə'pɑstrəfi]
1. apo- "away" + stroph- + -e.
2. 其本义为:(the accent of) turning away.
3. 由此转指:a mark showing where a letter has been omitted.
4. In English, the mark often represents loss of -e- in -es, possessive ending.
apostrophe 撇号前缀apo-, 从,从...离开。-strophe, 转,同stir, 搅动。
- apostrophe
- apostrophe: [17] Apostrophe comes originally from the Greek phrase prosōidiā apóstrophos, literally ‘accent of turning away’, hence, a mark showing where a letter or sound has been omitted. Apóstrophos itself was derived from the compound verb apostréphein, formed from the prefix apo- ‘away’ and the verb stréphein ‘turn’ (related to the second element of catastrophe [16], whose Greek original meant literally ‘overturning’). English acquired the word via French and Latin.
=> catastrophe - apostrophe (n.)
- mark indicating omitted letter, 1580s, from Middle French apostrophe, from Late Latin apostrophus, from Greek apostrophos (prosoidia) "(the accent of) turning away," thus, a mark showing where a letter has been omitted, from apostrephein "avert, turn away," from apo- "from" (see apo-) + strephein "to turn" (see strophe).
In English, the mark often represents loss of -e- in -es, possessive ending. It was being extended to all possessives, whether they ever had an -e- or not, by 18c. Greek also used this word for a "turning aside" of an orator in speech to address some individual, a sense first recorded in English 1530s.
- 1. "It's" (with an apostrophe) should be used only as a contraction for "it is".
- it's(带撇号)只能用作itis的缩约形式。
- 2. There should be an apostrophe here, and look, you've missed out the word "men" altogether!
- 这里应该有一个撇号,还有你看,你把men这个单词整个儿漏掉了!
- 3. Answer these questions, using the words in parentheses. Put the apostrophe in the right place.
- 用句后括号中的词或词组来回答问题, 注意撇号的位置.
- 4. When you contract a word or two words you need to add apostrophe .
- 当你要缩写一个或者两个词时,你需要加上撇号。
- 5. 'What ,'said Mr. Cruncher, varying his apostrophe after missing his mark --'what are you , up to, Aggerawayter?'
- “ 你又在玩什么花样, ”克朗彻先生没打中目标, 便改变了问候方式.“又找麻烦是不是? ”
来自英汉文学 - 双城记