英 [blɒnd]美 [blɑnd]
- adj. 金发的
- n. 白肤碧眼金发的人
- n. (Blond)人名;(英、西)布朗德;(法)布隆;(德)布隆德
- blond (adj.)
- late 15c., from Old French blont "fair, blond" (12c.), from Medieval Latin blundus "yellow," perhaps from Frankish *blund. If it is a Germanic word, it is possibly related to Old English blonden-feax "gray-haired," from blondan, blandan "to mix" (see blend (v.)). According to Littré, the original sense of the French word was "a colour midway between golden and light chestnut," which might account for the notion of "mixed."
Old English beblonden meant "dyed," so it is also possible that the root meaning of blonde, if it is Germanic, may be "dyed," as ancient Teutonic warriors were noted for dying their hair. Du Cange, however, writes that blundus was a vulgar pronunciation of Latin flavus "yellow." Another guess (discounted by German etymologists), is that it represents a Vulgar Latin *albundus, from alba "white."
The word was reintroduced into English 17c. from French, and was until recently still felt as French, hence blonde (with French feminine ending) for females. Italian biondo, Spanish blondo, Old Provençal blon all are of Germanic origin.
Fair hair was much esteemed by both the Greeks and Romans, and so they not only dyed and gold-dusted theirs ..., but also went so far as to gild the hair of their statues, as notably those of Venus de Medici and Apollo. In the time of Ovid (A.U.C. 711) much fair hair was imported from Germany, by the Romans, as it was considered quite the fashionable color. Those Roman ladies who did not choose to wear wigs of this hue, were accustomed to powder theirs freely with gold dust, so as to give it the fashionable yellow tint. [C. Henry Leonard, "The Hair," 1879]
- blond (n.)
- c. 1755 of a type of lace, 1822 of persons; from blond (adj.).
- 1. She's had her blond hair done up exactly like Jackie's.
- 她把她的金发盘得和杰姬一模一样。
- 2. His thick blond hair had just been styled before his trip.
- 他在旅行前刚把浓密的金发修剪了一番。
- 3. Blond strands of hair whipped in the wind.
- 缕缕金发在风中飘扬。
- 4. He was a handsome blond Nordic type.
- 他属于北欧人那种类型,英俊潇洒,金发碧眼。
- 5. His blond hair was windblown.
- 他的一头金发被风吹得乱蓬蓬的。