英 [kən'səʊl]美 ['kɑnsol]
- n. [计] 控制台;[电] 操纵台
- vt. 安慰;慰藉
- n. (Console)人名;(意、罗)孔索莱
1. 近同义词:soothe, console, solace, comfort.
console 抚慰con-, 强调。-sol, 安慰,安抚,词源同solace,hilarious.
console 控制台,仪表板con-, 强调。-sol, 整体,词源同solid. 即构成一个整体的,整体控制的工具。
- console
- console: [14] Console means literally ‘offer solace’. It comes from Latin consōlārī, a compound verb formed from the intensive prefix com- and sōlārī ‘comfort’ (source of the Latin noun sōlātium, from which English gets solace [13]). English acquired it either directly, or via French consoler. The Latin agent noun derived from consōlārī was consōlātor ‘comforter’, which passed into French as consolateur. This came to be used as an architectural term for a carved human figure supporting a cornice, shelf, etc, and was eventually shortened to console; this was borrowed into English in the 18th century.
=> solace - console (v.)
- 1690s, from French consoler "to comfort, console," from Latin consolari "offer solace, encourage, comfort, cheer," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + solari "to comfort" (see solace). Or perhaps a back-formation from consolation. The Latin word is glossed in Old English by frefran. Related: Consoled; consoling.
- console (n.)
- 1706, "a cabinet; an ornamental base structure," from French console "a bracket" (16c.), which is of uncertain origin, possibly from Middle French consolateur, literally "one who consoles," word used for carved human figures supporting cornices, shelves or rails in choir stalls. Another guess connects it to Latin consolidare. Sense evolved to "body of a musical organ" (1881), "radio cabinet" (1925), then "cabinet for a TV, stereo, etc." (1944).
- 1. I can console myself with the fact that I'm not alone.
- 不是只有我一个人才这样,我可以用这一事实来安慰自己。
- 2. This Christmas sees the launch of a new games console.
- 这个圣诞节会有一款新型游戏机上市。
- 3. Nothing could console him when his wife died.
- 他妻子去世后,什么事情也不能使他感到宽慰。
- 4. We tried to console her when her dog died.
- 她的狗死后,我们尽力安慰她.
- 5. A COBOL mnemonic name associated with the console typewriter.
- 和控制台打字机有关的一种COBOL助记忆名.