英 ['edɪfɪs]美 ['ɛdɪfɪs]
edifice 矮的非是(矮的不是)--- 大厦当然不是矮的那种建筑物,而是高的那种建筑物。
2. 同源词:edifice, edify, estivate, estuary, ether.
3. PIE root *aidh- "to burn" => aedis / aedes (originally "a place with a hearth") => 引申为:aedis / aedes "dwelling house, building, temple, sanctuary". => edifice, edify.
4. PIE root *aidh- "to burn" => aestus "boiling (of the sea), tide, heat" => estivate, estuary.
5. PIE root *aidh- "to burn" => aithein "to burn, shine" => ether "upper air; bright, purer air; the sky".
6. 谐音“爱殿费时、爱殿费事”-------皇帝要建自己的爱殿非常费时。
7. 卡西欧EDIFICE中文名为艾迪斐斯,是CASIO旗下拥有新技术的金属指针男表品牌。先进科技与动力美学成就“Speed and Intelligence”速度与智慧的品牌理念,驾驭速度追求精准,结合动力外型与精密细节,创出令人瞩目的指针表款。EDIFICE 在这里取用了edifice的“巨大而复杂的组织(或系统)、精心建造的东西”之意。
edifice 大厦来自PIE*aidh, 燃烧,词源同ash, ether. 原指火炉,引申义居住地,大厦。-fice,做,建造。
- edifice (n.)
- late 14c., from Old French edifice "building" (12c.), from Latin aedificium "building," from aedificare "to erect a building," from aedis, variant of aedes "temple, sanctuary," usually a single edifice without partitions, also, in the plural, "dwelling house, building," originally "a place with a hearth" + the root of facere "to make" (see factitious).
Aedis is from PIE *aidh- "to burn" (cognates: Greek aithein "to burn," Sanskrit inddhe "burst into flames," Old Irish aed "fire," Welsh aidd "heat, zeal," Old High German eit "funeral pile"), from root *ai- (2) "to burn" (see ash (n.1)).
- 1. Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down.
- 他们新的宣言声称要摧毁整个资本主义大厦,这是不可能的。
- 2. The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux.
- 美国领事馆是位于波尔多市中心的一座宏伟的大厦。
- 3. He surveyed the edifice from the outside and admired greatly.
- 他从外边打量着大厦,对它赞美备至.
- 4. Rockfeller critics were fond of accusing him of having an " edifice complex . "
- 批评 洛克菲勒 的人喜欢挖苦他,说他患有建筑狂.
- 5. There is a huge Victorian edifice in the area.
- 该地区有一幢维多利亚式的庞大建筑物.