英 [,entə'mɒlədʒɪ]美 [,ɛntə'mɑlədʒi]
1、en- "in" + tomo- + -logy.
2、So called because the segmented division of insect bodies. Compare insect.
3、字面含义:having a notch or cut (at the waist).
entomology 昆虫学en-, 进入,使。-tom, 砍,切,词源同tome, atom. 即切成一段一段的,后指昆虫。
- entomology
- entomology: see insect
- entomology (n.)
- 1764, from French entomologie (1764), coined from -logie "study of" (see -logy) + Greek entomon "insect," neuter of entomos "cut in pieces, cut up," in this case "having a notch or cut (at the waist)," from en "in" (see en- (2)) + temnein "to cut" (see tome).
Insects were so called by Aristotle in reference to the segmented division of their bodies. Compare insect, which is from a Latin loan-translation of the Greek word. Related: Entomological; entomologically. Hybrid insectology (1766, from French insectologie, 1744) is not much used.
I have given the name insectology to that part of natural history which has insects for its object; that of entomology ... would undoubtedly have been more suitable ... but its barbarous sound terryfy'd me. [Charles Bonnet's English translation of his "Contemplation de la nature," 1766]
- 1. He decided to specialize in entomology after graduation.
- 他决定毕业后专攻昆虫学.
- 2. Research opportunities exist in a wide range of pure and applied areas of entomology.
- 纯理论昆虫学和应用昆虫学的众多领域都存在着研究机会。
- 3. The study of plant resistance to insects dates back to earliest days of applied entomology.
- 早在应用昆虫学发展的初期,就已开始植物抗虫性的研究.
- 4. This is a web page of Abstracts of Entomology.
- 这是昆虫学文摘数据库所在的网页.
- 5. Natural and cultural history, Pacific anthropology , botany, entomology, and zoology.
- 自然与文化史 、 太平洋的人类学、植物学 、 昆虫学和动物学.