
英 ['fɪd(ə)l]美 ['fɪdl]
  • n. 小提琴
  • vi. 瞎搞;拉小提琴
  • vt. 虚度时光;拉小提琴


1. fiddle (双写d然后加指小后缀-le).
2. Perhaps from Medieval Latin vitula "stringed instrument," which is perhaps related to Latin vitularia "celebrate joyfully," from Vitula, Roman goddess of joy and victory.
3. 同源:viola, violin, fiddle.
4. 谐音“费的”----浪费的----浪费时间的、虚度光阴的。
5. 谐音“费的”----不停摆弄、调试东西当然很费时了。
6. Fiddler:Fiddler是一个http协议调试代理工具,它能够记录并检查所有你的电脑和互联网之间的http通讯,设置断点,查看所有的“进出”Fiddler的数据(指cookie,html,js,css等文件,这些都可以让你胡乱修改的意思)。 Fiddler 要比其他的网络调试器要更加简单,因为它不仅仅暴露http通讯还提供了一个用户友好的格式。
7. JSFiddle.
8. 由于拉小提琴的时候手会不断地摆动、移动,所以后来转为贬义后就引申为“不停地摆弄、瞎摆弄、瞎搞”,甚至进而引申为“鬼混,闲荡,虚度时光;欺骗,欺诈,诡计,不法行为”等含义。含义基本上都引申为趋于贬义化了。
9 violin <====> fiddle, vitula => fiddle, vitula => violin, viola (词干、词根的尾辅音 t 脱落、丢掉、丢失).


fiddle 用提琴演奏,不停摆弄

词源有争议。来自拉丁语vitula, 管弦乐器,词源同violin, 来自罗马欢乐和胜利女神Vitula.引申词义不停摆弄。


fiddle: [OE] Like its distant cousin violin, fiddle comes ultimately from the name of a Roman goddess of joy and victory. This was Vītula, who probably originated among the pre-Roman Sabine people of the Italian peninsula. A Latin verb was coined from her name, vītulārī, meaning ‘hold joyful celebrations’, which in post-classical times produced the noun vītula ‘stringed instrument, originally as played at such festivals’.

In the Romance languages this went on to give viola, violin, etc, but prehistoric West and North Germanic borrowed it as *fithulōn, whence German fiedel, Dutch vedel, and English fiddle. In English, the word has remained in use for the instrument which has developed into the modern violin, but since the 16th century it has gradually been replaced as the main term by violin, and it is now only a colloquial or dialectal alternative.

The sense ‘swindle’ originated in the USA in the mid-to-late 19th century.

=> violin
fiddle (n.)
"stringed musical instrument, violin," late 14c., fedele, fydyll, fidel, earlier fithele, from Old English fiðele "fiddle," which is related to Old Norse fiðla, Middle Dutch vedele, Dutch vedel, Old High German fidula, German Fiedel "a fiddle;" all of uncertain origin.

The usual suggestion, based on resemblance in sound and sense, is that it is from Medieval Latin vitula "stringed instrument" (source of Old French viole, Italian viola), which perhaps is related to Latin vitularia "celebrate joyfully," from Vitula, Roman goddess of joy and victory, who probably, like her name, originated among the Sabines [Klein, Barnhart]. Unless the Medieval Latin word is from the Germanic ones.
FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat. [Ambrose Bierce, "The Cynic's Word Book," 1906]
Fiddle has been relegated to colloquial usage by its more proper cousin, violin, a process encouraged by phraseology such as fiddlesticks (1620s), contemptuous nonsense word fiddle-de-dee (1784), and fiddle-faddle. Century Dictionary reports that fiddle "in popular use carries with it a suggestion of contempt and ridicule." Fit as a fiddle is from 1610s.
fiddle (v.)
late 14c., "play upon a fiddle," from fiddle (n.); the figurative sense of "to act nervously, make idle movements, move the hands or something held in them in an idle, ineffective way" is from 1520s. Related: Fiddled; fiddling.


1. Police investigating a £10 million car insurance fiddle arrested 16 people yesterday.


2. Two of them got out to fiddle around with the engine.


3. She hated the thought of playing second fiddle to Rose.


4. Hardy as a young man played the fiddle at local dances.


5. He brought out the fiddle, its varnish cracked and blistered.

