英 ['gɪmɪk]美 ['ɡɪmɪk]
- n. 暗机关;骗人的玩意;花招
- vt. 使暗机关;搞骗人的玩意
1. perhaps an alteration of gimcrack, or that it began as gimac, an anagram of magic.
2. gimmick 音“机密客”→机密客的花招.
3. game + trick => *gammick => gimmick.
4. game + magic => gimmick.
5. 谐音“机迷客、给迷客”。
gimmick 花招,把戏来自gimcrack的拼写变体,花里胡哨的,花招,把戏。
- gimmick
- gimmick: [20] Gimmick originally meant ‘dishonest contrivance’ – indeed, in the first known printed reference to it, in George Maine’s and Bruce Grant’s Wise-crack dictionary 1926 (an American publication), it is defined specifically as a ‘device for making a fair game crooked’. The modern sense ‘stratagem for gaining attention’ seems to have come to the fore in the 1940s. The origins of the word are a mystery, although it has been suggested that it began as gimac, an anagram of magic used by conjurers.
- gimmick (n.)
- 1910, American English, perhaps an alteration of gimcrack, or an anagram of magic.
In a hotel at Muscatine, Iowa, the other day I twisted the gimmick attached to the radiator, with the intention of having some heat in my Nova Zemblan booth. ["Domestic Engineering," January 8, 1910]
- 1. He dismissed the event as just a publicity gimmick.
- 他不理会这件事,只当它是一种宣传手法.
- 2. The tax cut is widely disparaged by senators from both parties as a budget gimmick.
- 两个党派的参议员们普遍对作为预算噱头的税收削减嗤之以鼻。
- 3. It is just a public relations gimmick.
- 这只不过是一种公关伎俩。
- 4. The basic gimmick was the distinguishing of one bank from the others.
- 基本决窍是区分某一银行与其它银行的标志.
- 5. The advertisement is just a gimmick to make consumers buy their products.
- 宣传只是一种使消费者买他们产品的花招.