英 ['glɔːrɪfaɪ]美 ['ɡlɔrɪfaɪ]
- glorify (v.)
- mid-14c., "praise, honor, extol" (God or a person), also "vaunt, be proud of, boast of; glorify oneself, be proud, boast;" from Old French glorefiier "glorify, extol, exalt; glory in, boast" (Modern French glorifier), from Late Latin glorificare "to glorify," from Latin gloria "fame, renown, praise, honor" (see glory (n.)) + -ficare, from facere "to make, do" (see factitious). From mid-15c. in non-theological sense, "praise highly." In Chaucer also "to vaunt, boast," But this sense has faded in English. Related: Glorified; glorifying.
- 1. Images which glorify violence and cruelty, serve to legitimise such behaviour.
- 这些美化暴力和暴行的图片,就是要使此等行为合理化。
- 2. I'm not trying to glorify or idealise women.
- 我不是要美化女人或把她们理想化。
- 3. You would glorify with the most fervent gratitude the God.
- 你会用最热忱的感激崇拜上帝.
- 4. But, if they seek to glorify God, let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands!
- 不过, 要是他们追求为上帝增辉添光, 那就不要把肮脏的双手朝天举起吧!
来自英汉文学 - 红字
- 5. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
- 3因你的慈爱比生命更好, 我的嘴唇要颂赞你.