英 [helm]美 [hɛlm]
- n. 舵;舵柄;领导地位;驾驶盘
- vt. 指挥;给...掌舵
- n. (Helm)人名;(英、瑞典)赫尔姆;(法)埃尔姆;(德、匈、捷)黑尔姆
1. hold => halt => halter => helve => helm.
2. helve => helm.
3. PIE root *kel- 'hide, cover' => apocalypse, cell, helm, cellar, conceal, hall, hell, and occult.
4. cell, hell, hall => helm, helmet.
helm 舵柄来自古英语helma,船桨,船舵,来自Proto-Germanic*halbma,来自PIE*kelp,抓住,握住,词源同halter,helve,help.
- helm (n.1)
- "instrument by which a ship is steered," late 13c., from Old English helma "rudder; position of guidance, control," from Proto-Germanic *halbma- (cognates: Old Norse hjalm, Old High German helmo, German Helm "handle"), from PIE *kelp- "to hold, grasp" (see helve).
Helm - the handle or tiller, in large ships the wheel, by which the runner is managed; the word is sometimes used with reference to the whole stearing-gear.
Rudder - that part of the helm which consists of a broad piece of timber, enters the water, and is governed by means of the wheel or tiller.
Tiller - the bar or lever by means of which the rudder of a ship or boat is turned.
[J.H.A. Günther, "English Synonyms Explained & Illustrated," Groningen, 1904]
- helm (n.2)
- "a helmet," c. 1200, from Old English helm "protection, covering; crown, helmet," and perhaps also from cognate Old Norse hjalmr, from Proto-Germanic *helmaz "protective covering," from PIE *kel- (2) "to cover, to hide" (see cell). Italian elmo, Spanish yelmo are from Germanic.
- 1. Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.
- 赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。
- 2. Who was at the helm when the collision occurred?
- 当碰撞发生时,谁在掌舵?
- 3. Down [ Up ] with the helm!
- 转舵背 [ 迎 ] 风开!
- 4. Ms Helm, a British journalist, brings her training into play when meeting survivors and descendants.
- Helm女士是一名英国记者, 她在同幸存者及后代会面发挥了记者的特点.
- 5. The boat seemed very slow to answer to any movement of the helm.
- 这只船似乎对舵的转动的反应很不灵敏.