英 [raɪm]美 [raɪm]
- n. 韵律;韵脚;韵文;押韵词
- vt. 使押韵;用韵诗表达;把…写作诗
- vi. 押韵;作押韵诗
1. rhyme 和 rhythm 形近义同,这是由于该词与 rhythm 同源,它们都源于同一个拉丁语、希腊语单词(rhythmus, rhythmos),然后通过古法语进入英语的过程中,其中的 th 逐渐消失、脱落。
rhyme 押韵,同韵来自古法语 rime,同韵,押韵,词源同 rhythm,后拼写受 rhythm 影响俗化。
- rhyme
- rhyme: [12] Etymologically, rhyme and rhythm are the same word. Both go back to medieval Latin rythmus ‘rhythm’, but whereas rhythm has reached us almost unchanged, rhyme has come via a branch line. The sort of accented verse to which the medieval Latin word was applied commonly rhymed, and so when rythmus passed into early Old French as *ritme, it carried connotations of ‘rhyming’ with it.
This later developed to rime, and when English borrowed it as rime, it still contained the notion of ‘rhythm’; but by the 13th century ‘rhyme’ was becoming its main meaning. The spelling rhyme, which emerged around 1600, represents a conscious partial return to the word’s ultimate ancestors, Latin rhythmus and Greek rhuthmós.
=> rhythm - rhyme (n.)
- "agreement in terminal sounds," 1560s, partially restored spelling, from Middle English ryme, rime (c. 1200) "measure, meter, rhythm," later "rhymed verse" (mid-13c.), from Old French rime (fem.), related to Old Provençal rim (masc.), earlier *ritme, from Latin rithmus, from Greek rhythmos "measured motion, time, proportion" (see rhythm).
In Medieval Latin, rithmus was used for accentual, as opposed to quantitative, verse, and accentual verse usually was rhymed, hence the sense shift. Persistence of older form is due to popular association with Old English rim "number," from PIE root *re(i)- "to reason, count" (see read (v.)). Phrase rhyme or reason "good sense" (chiefly used in the negative) is from late 15c. (see reason (n.)). Rhyme scheme is attested from 1931. Rhyme royal (1841) is a stanza of seven 10-syllable lines rhymed a-b-a-b-b-c-c. - rhyme (v.)
- "make verses, make rhymes," c. 1300, rimen, from Old French rimer, from rime "verse" (see rhyme (n.)). Attested 1670s (of words) in sense "to have the same end sound." Modern spelling is from 1650s, by influence of rhythm. Related: Rhymed; rhyming. The phrase rhyming slang is attested from 1859.
- 1. All of the poems are written in traditional metres and rhyme schemes.
- 所有的诗都按传统的韵律和韵脚而作。
- 2. He picked people on a whim, without rhyme or reason.
- 他选人时总是随心所欲,毫无根据。
- 3. She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme.
- 她改用童声唱起童谣来。
- 4. Porter stayed within the rules of rhyme.
- 波特遵循押韵的规则。
- 5. Outside, children were skipping and singing a rhyme.
- 外面孩子们一边跳绳一边唱着歌。