英 [sledʒ]美
- vt. 用雪橇搬运;乘雪橇;用大锤打
- vi. 用大锤打;猛击;乘雪橇
- n. 雪橇;大锤
- n. (Sledge)人名;(英)斯莱奇
1. slay, slaughter => sledge(大锤). => sledgehammer.
2. slide => sledge => sled, sleigh.
sledge 雪橇来自 sled 拼写变体,拼写受-dge 影响。
sledge 大锤,重锤来自古英语 slecg,大锤,重锤,词源同 slay,slag.拼写受-dge 影响。
- sledge
- sledge: English has two words sledge. The sledge [OE] of sledgehammer [15] was once a word in its own right, meaning ‘heavy hammer’. It goes back to the prehistoric Germanic base *slakh- ‘hit’, source also of English slaughter, slay, etc. Sledge ‘snow vehicle’ [17] was borrowed from Middle Dutch sleedse. Like Dutch slee (source of English sleigh [18]) and Middle Low German sledde (source of English sled [14]), its ultimate ancestor was the prehistoric Germanic base *slid- ‘slide’ (source of English slide). Sledging ‘unsettling a batsman with taunts’ [20], which originated in Australia in the 1970s, may have been derived from sledgehammer.
=> slaughter, slay, sly; sled, sleigh, slide - sledge (n.1)
- "heavy hammer," Old English slecg "hammer, mallet," from Proto-Germanic *slagjo- (cognates: Old Norse sleggja, Middle Swedish sleggia "sledgehammer"), related to slege "beating, blow, stroke" and slean "to strike" (see slay (v.)). Sledgehammer is pleonastic.
- sledge (n.2)
- "sleigh," 1610s, from dialectal Dutch sleedse, variant of slede (see sled (n.)); said by OED to be perhaps of Frisian origin.
- 1. She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka.
- 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。
- 2. The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill.
- 雪橇从山上下冲时的动力越来越大.
- 3. Sledge of CB adaptation, the major changes to deal the data buffer.
- Sledge的CB改编, 主要改动是数据缓冲区的处理.
- 4. Last week there was a quarrel during a sledge drive.
- 上礼拜当雪车驶动时发生了一场争吵.
- 5. The sledge was steered from a platform.
- 滑板由操作台控制.