
英 [slɪŋ]美 [slɪŋ]
  • n. [机] 吊索;投石器;抛掷
  • vt. 用投石器投掷;吊起


1. 《弹簧刀/弹弓刀》(Sling Blade): 电影名,曾获69届奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖。
2. 谐音“失灵”----投石器失灵了,不能扔石头了,很可能是吊索出问题了。
3. stone + fling => sling.
4. 谐音“死扔、石扔(在一些方言中念“ling”或者“leng”)”。
5. 石扔 => *sreng => sling.
6. fling <===> sling.


sling 扔,掷,吊,挂,吊索,吊带,投石器

来自古诺斯语 slyngva,扔,投掷,来自 Proto-Germanic*slingwana,旋转,扭转,来自 PIE*slenk, 扭转,转动,可能来自 PIE*skel,弯,转,相关于 PIE*sker,弯,转,词源同 shrimp,scoliosis. 引申诸相关词义。


sling: English has at least two distinct words sling, maybe more – the picture is far from clear. The first to appear was the verb, ‘throw’ [13]. This was probably borrowed from Old Norse slyngva, but as it originally meant specifically ‘throw with a sling’ there is clearly some connection with the noun sling ‘strap for throwing stones’ [13], whose immediate source was perhaps Middle Low German slinge. Sling ‘loop or strap for holding things’ [14] may be the same word, although there is no conclusive proof for this. Sling ‘spirit-based drink’ [18] first came on the scene in America, but its origins are unknown.
sling (n.1)
c. 1300, "implement for throwing stones," from an unidentified continental Germanic source (such as Middle Low German slinge "a sling"); see sling (v.). The notion probably is of a sling being twisted and twirled before it is thrown. Sense of "loop for lifting or carrying heavy objects" first recorded early 14c. Meaning "piece of cloth tied around the neck to support an injured arm" is first attested 1720.
sling (v.)
c. 1200, "to knock down" using a sling, later "to throw" (mid-13c.), especially with a sling, from Old Norse slyngva, from Proto-Germanic *slingwanan (cognates: Old High German slingan, German schlingen "to swing to and fro, wind, twist;" Old English slingan "to creep, twist;" Old Frisian slinge, Middle Dutch slinge, Old High German slinga, German Schlinge "sling;" Middle Swedish slonga "noose, knot, snare"), from PIE *slengwh "to slide, make slide; sling, throw." Meaning "to hang from one point to another" (as a hammock) is from 1690s. Related: Slung; slinging.
sling (n.2)
sweetened, flavored liquor drink, 1807, American English, of unknown origin; perhaps literally "to throw back" a drink (see sling (v.)), or from German schlingen "to swallow."
sling (n.3)
"act of throwing," 1520s, from sling (v.).


1. She was back at work with her arm in a sling.


2. Don't just sling your clothes on the floor.


3. The cylinder was lifted from the seabed in a sling.


4. The boy discharged a stone from a sling.


5. She had her arm in a sling.

