
英 [spɑː] 美 [spɑr]
  • n. [矿物] 晶石;圆材(如桅、桁等);争论;拳斗
  • vi. 争论;拳击
  • vt. 装圆材于
  • n. (Spar)人名;(德)施帕尔;(法)斯帕尔


spar 斗鸡,拳击练习,讨论,争论

可能来自中古法语 esparer,踢,击打,来自意大利语 sparare,踢,投掷,来自拉丁语 ex-,向外, parere,准备,挡开,词源同 prepare,parry.原指斗鸡游戏开斗时准备,后用于指人的拳击练习, 引申比喻义争论,讨论,通常在比较友好的氛围下进行。

spar 桅杆,翼梁

来自中古英语 sparre,船筏,柱子,木柱,来自 Proto-Germanic*sparro,柱子,木柱,来自 PIE*spar, 柱子,木柱,词源同 spear,spire.后用于指船只的桅杆,飞机的翼梁等。

spar 晶石

一种水晶矿物状石头,可能回构自 sparstone,晶石,对等于 spear,尖刺,矛,stone,石头。因 这种矿物呈尖刺状而得名。常构成复合词 feldspar,长石。


spar (n.1)
early 14c., "rafter;" late 14c., "stout pole," from or cognate with Middle Low German or Middle Dutch sparre, from Proto-Germanic *sparron (cognates: Old English *spere "spear, lance," Old Norse sperra "rafter, beam," German Sparren "spar, rafter"), from PIE root *sper- (1) "spear, pole" (see spear (n.1)). Nautical use, in reference to one used as a mast, yard, boom, etc., dates from 1630s. Also borrowed in Old French as esparre, which might be the direct source of the English word.
spar (v)
late 14c., "go quickly, rush, dart, spring;" c. 1400, "to strike or thrust," perhaps from Middle French esparer "to kick" (Modern French éparer), from Italian sparare "to fling," from Latin ex- (see ex-) + parare "make ready, prepare," hence "ward off, parry" (see pare). Etymologists consider a connection with spur unlikely. Used in 17c. in reference to preliminary actions in a cock fight; figurative sense of "to dispute, bandy with words" is from 1690s. Extension to humans, in a literal sense, with meaning "to engage in or practice boxing" is attested from 1755. Related: Sparred; sparring.
spar (n.2)
"crystalline mineral that breaks easily into fragments with smooth surfaces," 1580s, from Low German Spar, from Middle Low German *spar, *sper, cognate with Old English spær- in spærstan "gypsum."


1. With protective gear on you can spar with a partner.


2. The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.


3. We can be conviniently studied with reference to a crystal of calcite or Iceland spar.


4. Mr Obama and John McCain continued to spar over foreign policy.


5. The rope, rod, or spar on which such a ring moves.
环可供这种环移动的绳子 、 竿子或圆材.

