
英 ['tæbɪ]美 ['tæbi]
  • n. 平纹;斑猫;长舌妇
  • adj. 起波纹的;有斑纹的
  • vt. 使起波纹


tabby 平纹,波纹绸,斑猫

来自法语 tabis,波纹绸,来自(缩写自)阿拉伯语'Attabiyah,伊拉克首都巴格达街区,因该布 料于 17 世纪产自该地而得名。后主要用于指 tabby cat,波纹绸花纹斑点的猫,即斑猫。


tabby: [17] By a bizarre series of etymological twists and turns, the tabby cat commemorates a textile manufacturing suburb of Baghdad. This was al-‘Attābīya, named after Prince Attāb, who lived there. The cloth made there was known as ‘attābī, and the term passed via Old French atabis and modern French tabis into English as tabby. This originally denoted a sort of rich silk taffeta (‘This day … put on … my false tabby waistcoat with gold lace’ noted Samuel Pepys in his diary for 13 October 1661), but since such cloth was originally usually striped, by the 1660s the word was being applied to brindled cats.
tabby (n.)
1630s, "striped silk taffeta," from French tabis "a rich, watered silk" (originally striped), from Middle French atabis (14c.), from Arabic 'attabi, from 'Attabiyah, a neighborhood of Baghdad where such cloth was made, said to be named for prince 'Attab of the Omayyad dynasty. As an adjective from 1630s.

Tabby cat, one with a striped coat, is attested from 1690s; shortened form tabby first attested 1774. "The wild original of the domestic cat is always of such coloration" [Century Dictionary]. Sense of "female cat" (1826) may be influenced by the fem. proper name Tabby, a pet form of Tabitha, which was used in late 18c. as slang for "spiteful spinster, difficult old woman."


1. She basked in the prosperity of the school like a purring tabby cat.


2. Then I have four cats, Tabby and her three kittens.
所以我有四只猫了, 它们是斑猫和她的三个孩子.


3. The styles of the products include stripe, twill and tabby.
有条纹 、 平纹、格子多种款式.


4. A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill.
一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯, 呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着.


5. General for tabby fabrics organization.

