
英 [tʌk'siːdəʊ]美 [tʌk'sido]
  • n. 男士无尾半正式晚礼服;无尾礼服


tuxedo 成套无尾晚礼服

来自 Tuxedo Park,19 世纪末纽约的社会上层人士和富人聚会的某乡村俱乐部,由于是私人聚 会,穿着既不能太正式,又不能太马虎,于是就发明了这种半正式的晚礼服。该名字词源不 详,可能是来自当地早期的印第安人土著语,词义可能为狼或熊。


tuxedo (n.)
man's evening dress for semiformal occasions, 1889, named for Tuxedo Park, N.Y., a rural resort development for wealthy New Yorkers and site of a country club where it first was worn, supposedly in 1886. The name is an attractive subject for elaborate speculation, and connections with Algonquian words for "bear" or "wolf" were proposed. The authoritative Bright, however, says the tribe's name probably is originally a place name, perhaps Munsee Delaware (Algonquian) p'tuck-sepo "crooked river."
There was a hue and cry raised against the Tuxedo coat upon its first appearance because it was erroneously considered and widely written of as intended to displace the swallow tail. When the true import of the tailless dress coat came to be realized it was accepted promptly by swelldom, and now is widely recognized as one of the staple adjuncts of the jeunesse dorée. ["Clothier and Furnisher," August, 1889]


1. Therefore, the papers combined personal practical experience, study and research the TUXEDO middleware in large system.
因此, 论文结合个人实践经验对TUXEDO中间件大型系统中的应用做深入探讨和研究.


2. Well, you have your own tuxedo.
噢, 你有自己的燕尾服.


3. Have I told you how amazing you look in this tuxedo?
我告诉过你穿这件燕尾服看起来很棒 吗 ?


4. Well reverend, you think you can lay your hands on a tuxedo?
好吧,教士, 你能找件燕尾服穿上 吗 ?


5. My first move was to get the old tuxedo out of mothballs.

